Saturday, September 29, 2012

Claes Johnson on Mathematics and Science: Why My Book is ...

My ebook BodyandSoul Mathematical Simulation Technology (MST)?is banned by KTH: No link to the book is allowed on any website controled by KTH.

If you want to know why KTH exercises this oppression of free speech, the most holy principle of both science and democracy, you will find the answer in the following TED talk by Conrad Wolfram:

What Wolfram says is precisely what MST says:?

  • We've got a real problem with math education today.
  • I believe that computers correctly used is the silver bullet that can make math education work.
  • Computer-based math: Critical reform.
  • The country that does it first will leap-frog others.
  • This is not an incremental sort of change.
  • I want to see a completely renewed changed math curriculum built form the ground up based on computers...
  • I am not even sure we should brand the subject as math.
  • What I am sure is that it is the main-stream subject of the future.


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