Monday, December 17, 2012

Website Traffic Q&A Tip - Multiple Stream Media

I can go over the process we use to drive traffic to our sites, but where we get traffic from is relative?and you?ll understand why in a minute?

First, I have to admit?

We?re at a slight advantage, because of the YEARS of consistent web presence, promotions, affiliates, satisfied clients (read:direct, repeat traffic), and the network of sites we have in place.

BUT, please know the ?Field of Dreams? strategy (build it and they will come) doesn?t apply to ANY business online ? even if they have been around for over 10 years like we have.

Here?s the good news:

ANYONE can do it if they keep at it ? - and that includes YOU!

So, let?s jump right into it?

Plan The Traffic

Just as if you were to drive from New York to California, you wouldn?t get in a car WITHOUT a GPS or directions of some sort. Getting traffic to your site is no different.

A plan in our case includes the following:

1. Draw up a budget you can afford. Doing any sort of business requires a little bit of investment. For example, you wouldn?t be able to run a brick-and-mortar business without paying rent, buying inventory, or advertising.

And an online business comes with its own expenses. If you think otherwise, you may have been mislead by the hype.

I started my business with $800 that I didn?t really have to spend. So, it doesn?t matter how little you put aside to improve your traffic ? as long as you have decided to spend that money on growing your business.

2. Research where your customers are hanging out. You want to be seen where you are likely to make sales. Make a list of places where you want to be seen and do your best to be present there, either by paid advertising or offering content and help in your respective community.

The main thing to realize here is NOT to spend a lot of time getting sucked into forums or other places, but leave trails??bread crumbs? through posts, signatures, etc?that take them back to your offer page (if you decide to go the free promotion route).

3. Create a marketing schedule and stick to it. The most useful thing I have done for OUR business is creating my marketing schedule. It?s like a calendar, which lists the following activities by date:

? The main product I will promote for the day.

? In-house lists I will share the product with.

? New sources to buy and execute advertising for the day.

? Content that my team will write for the day.

This plan is something I take very seriously and have been doing it 6 days a week, month after month, year after year.

Consistency is key, and if you do this every day?you will absolutely see results that WILL surprise you.


So you?ve got a plan that excites you. Doing it with willingness while ENJOYING the process works wonders in your life and business. Action requires focus, but that?s a whole other topic in itself.

Like Nike would say??Just Do It!? and do it every day.


The first rule in business is to constantly evaluate the things that are WORKING for you and to eliminate the things that aren?t.

The thing to know here is the offers that work on one source of traffic may NOT work with another. The reason is simple: The lead gen funnel you have designed is likely for a certain type of traffic.

But, it may work if you change the tone a bit. You have to make the message resonate with the type of audience you?re reaching.


So, there you go?

That?s our process of generating traffic. Did you read anything that is shrouded in mystery, or a ?BIG SECRET? in this process?

Of course not.

Truth is, if you do the above consistently (there?s that word again), there is very little chance of failure.

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mike daisey

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