Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Automotive Led Lights: Red Hot Love Relationships

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The astonishing love, passion, intimacy and relationship secrets of the most satisfied... Most passionate... And most deeply connected couples in the world

if you want a closer, more connected, more intimate and more passionate relationship, then this may be the most important web page you ever visit and here's why...

no matter what your relationships have been like up until this moment... If you want more spark, more love, more passion, more intimacy and more connection in your relationships, we want to suggest to you that you can have it. We're relationship coaches, authors and speakers susie and otto collins and we're about to tell you how you can discover the true secrets to creating a close, connected, alive, love relationship filled with as much passion, love, intimacy (and yes, even sex) as you want-- no matter what you think is possible right now.

in fact, it doesn't matter what you look like or how old you are, whether you are a stay-at-home mom, a secretary,a school bus driver, a plumber, a college student, a boardroom superstar or anyone else in between-- you can have a closer, more connected, more intimate and passionate relationship if you'll just open yourself to some new ideas that we want to share with you.

the story about how we created the relationship of our dreams and how you can too... It's sort of funny how life works isn't it? we weren't always in a great relationship and haven't always known how to make a relationship work and keep the spark alive, but luckily we do now. Let us assure you that it wasn't always this way for us. We weren't endowed at birth with some special relationship gene that helped us create an incredible relationship on demand. The truth is that no matter what kind of relationship or situation you find yourself in right now, we've been where you are. We know what it's like to be with someone and wonder "is this as good as it gets?" or "what can i do to make it better?" before getting together in our relationship, otto was an advertising executive who was married to someone else for 15 years. Susie was a director of a library at a major university and was married to someone else for 30 years. After those relationships ended, we agreed to get together for dinner one night and to make a long story short, here's what happened...

we've gone from being in dull, passionless, lifeless, painful relationships where we didn't feel a spark or connection anymore to being in this relationship that is truly amazing. In fact, in the early days of our relationship, a number of people laughed when we said we had created this close, connected and incredibly passionate relationship. They said it would never last and that the passion would fade just like it did in almost everyone else's relationship-- but it hasn't. Now that we've been together for quite a few years, we know that one of the smartest things we did in the early days was to make the commitment to learning everything we could about how to create the passionate, alive relationship that we both wanted. We somehow knew that by just getting with a new partner we would create the same kind of relationship dynamics in our new relationship that we had before unless we learned how to do things differently and learn we did. We've read hundreds of books on relationships, attended dozens of relationship workshops and seminars, plus we've also studied personally with some of the best relationship teachers an...Read more detail

Source: http://therebelblossom.blogspot.com/2013/07/red-hot-love-relationships.html

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