Sunday, March 4, 2012

Trail of Tears

Despite a bedside vigil, Strayed just misses her mother?s death. ?I howled and howled and howled,? she writes, ?rooting my face into her body like an animal. She?d been dead an hour. Her limbs had cooled, but her belly was still an island of warm.? Her book is crammed with moments like this?passages of vicious discomfort with herself, her family, and her physical surroundings that are almost painful to read. Her childhood was scrappy and impoverished, including a long stint in a house in the Minnesota north woods without electricity or running water. Her biological father was abusive, and it was years before her mother finally managed to leave him. In the aftermath of her mother?s death, her much-loved stepfather distances himself and remarries quickly. Her two siblings drift away, and her young marriage fails as well, in a kind of hideous slow motion punctuated with affairs and constant moving. Four years later, Strayed is 26 years old, divorced, a veteran of innumerable meaningless sexual encounters, plenty of bad waitressing jobs, and a fortunately short-lived heroin addiction.


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