Friday, August 31, 2012

Online Gaming Communities | Art of War Central Game Server Blog

Posted by admin on Aug 30, 2012 in Game Servers | 0 comments

Article by Catherine Wolf

Online Gaming Communities ? Entertainment ? Video Games

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The introduction of the World wide web and the increasing focus on multiplayer gaming has pushed games into areas that previously were dominated by arcades. While some genres are much more suited to the single-player experience, the number of games that are incorporating online multiplayer elements is increasing. As these games flourish, so do the number of gamers who are inclined to see if they?re better than everyone else. Competitive gaming doesn?t quite have the same level of respect as competitive chess and the like, but it is starting to develop a strong following. In particular, a few select titles stand out from the rest as having very well-developed competitive communities.

The descendant of the well-liked ?Warcraft III? custom map ?Defense of the Ancients,? ?League of Legends? is earning more and more followers. True that its impact does not quite compare with its precursor, particularly outside the US and Europe, but still it is not one to be put aside. The developers have made some alterations for the better and now the gameplay has more depth and options that the previous versions lacked. No wonder LoL is on the lead right now, even displacing DoTa in almost all important tournaments.

?Counter-Strike? is one of the most popular titles in the FPS market and has managed to become even bigger that the game it originated from. The game still makes waves in competitive online gaming events and even stayed longer than top rank titles like ?Unreal Tournament? and ?Quake 3,? along with a long list of FPS titles that have come out since. The game still maintains the basics, along with a number of updates, which have made the game so much more fun to play. The team features also introduces the ?clan? concept in gamers.

Fans waited for over a decade for the second installment of ?StarCraft?, and it was well worth it. When ?StarCraft II? was released, it replaced the original as the go-to game for strategy players of competitive online games. The end product can be compared to a much more complex and engaging version of chess. Players constantly discover detailed strategies for the game itself and in the meta-game.

?Street Fighter IV? is an excellent bet for online games that go one-on-one. The long-overdue addition is an improved version of its predecessor. It brings back the appeal of the classic cast of ?Street Fighter II?, while sticking to the roots of strategic combat of the original series.

About the Author

Online games have a wide range of genres that cater to every gamer?s preferences. There?s strategy games, educational games, RPG, PVP, MMPORG and so much more. Playing online games opens up new possibilities for the imagination.

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Catherine Wolf

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