Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Rackspace Acquires Mailgun, A Y Combinator Startup That Gives App Developers An API For Creating And Managing Online Mailboxes

mailgunlogoRackspace has acquired Mailgun, a San Francisco-based Y Combinator startup that has developed an API for creating and managing online email inboxes for apps and websites. It's a concept that sounds simple on its face, but Mailgun's ease of use and sophisticated routing can provide a number of new functionalities to web apps and web pages that is all done programatically. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. The company was part of the 2011 winter Y Combinator class. In May of that year, it received?$1.1 million in funding. Investors include SV Angel, Yuri Milner;?Maynard Webb; Y Combinator Partner Paul Buchheit, who created Gmail; and Geoff Ralston, who built and launched Yahoo Mail back in 1997.


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